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KASINTON JSD-C180A 600~1800 ℃ Инфрачервен точков термометър 4-20mA Инфрачервен температурен сензор за въглищни находища

  • Overview
  • Свързани продукти
The KASINTON JSD-C180A is another high-performance infrared point thermometer designed for precise temperature measurement in industrial environments, particularly in coal fields or other high-temperature settings. It offers a temperature range from 600℃ to 1800℃ and features a 4-20mA output. Here are the key details:
Основни функции:
Temperature Range: 600℃ to 1800℃, suitable for high-temperature applications in industries like coal mining, metal production, and more.
Output: 4-20mA analog signal, commonly used for integration with PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) or other data acquisition systems, enabling real-time monitoring and control.
Infrared Measurement: Non-contact measurement, ensuring safety and efficiency when measuring hot surfaces, reducing wear and tear on equipment.
Robust Design: Built to withstand the harsh conditions typical of coal fields and other industrial environments, ensuring long-term reliability.
Application: Ideal for monitoring temperature in environments such as coal fields, furnaces, kilns, and other high-heat industrial applications.
The JSD-C180A is a versatile and durable tool for industries that require precise temperature monitoring, and its 4-20mA output makes it easy to integrate into automated systems. As with any such sensor, be sure to verify compatibility with your monitoring or control system for seamless operation.
IP65 (NEMA-4)
Работна температура
0-60 ℃
Относителна влажност на въздуха
10-90% (без конденз)
неръждаема стомана
Дължина на кабела
1.5 м или по поръчка
Работно захранване
Изходен сигнал
Оптична резолюция
Време за реакция
10ms (95%)
Точност на измерване на температурата
± 1%
неръждаема стомана
KASINTON JSD-C180A 600~1800℃ Infrared Point Thermometer 4-20mA  Infrared Temperature Sensor For Coal Field details
KASINTON JSD-C180A 600~1800℃ Infrared Point Thermometer 4-20mA  Infrared Temperature Sensor For Coal Field supplier
KASINTON JSD-C180A 600~1800℃ Infrared Point Thermometer 4-20mA  Infrared Temperature Sensor For Coal Field factory
KASINTON JSD-C180A 600~1800℃ Infrared Point Thermometer 4-20mA  Infrared Temperature Sensor For Coal Field supplier
KASINTON JSD-C180A 600~1800℃ Infrared Point Thermometer 4-20mA  Infrared Temperature Sensor For Coal Field manufacture
KASINTON JSD-C180A 600~1800℃ Infrared Point Thermometer 4-20mA  Infrared Temperature Sensor For Coal Field factory
KASINTON JSD-C180A 600~1800℃ Infrared Point Thermometer 4-20mA  Infrared Temperature Sensor For Coal Field details
Често задавани
Въпрос: Вие сте производител?
О: Да, ние сме професионален производител на сензори над 50 години! Нашият технически екип има повече от 20 инженери.

В: Можете ли да приемете OEM услуга?
О: Да, можем да поставим информация за вашата компания и лого на нашите сензори.

В: Мога ли да бъда ваш дистрибутор?
О: Да, ние търсим дистрибутори на задграничния пазар.

Въпрос: Какво е вашето време за изпълнение?
О: Обикновено 7-10 дни. За количество над 100 бр. са необходими допълнителни 3-5 работни дни.

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