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KASINTON JSD-SC90 -25~900℃ Холбоо барихгүй хэт улаан туяаны температур мэдрэгч Гар утасны хэт улаан туяаны температур мэдрэгч

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The KASINTON’s JSD-SC90 -25~900℃ Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Handheld Infrared Temperature Sensor is a premium quality product developed by the renowned brand KASINTON. This temperature sensor is a highly reliable and efficient tool that can measure temperatures in the range of -25℃ to 900℃ without any physical contact.


The KASINTON’s JSD-SC90 is a handheld device that can be easily operated by anyone who wishes to measure temperatures accurately and quickly. The sensor is equipped with advanced infrared technology that allows it to measure temperatures from a distance of up to 20cm. This makes the sensor a perfect tool for measuring the temperatures of objects that are difficult to touch or where physical contact is impossible.


Designed to cater to the needs of professionals working in various fields, including HVAC, automotive, food, and safety, the KASINTON’s JSD-SC90 delivers reliable and precise temperature readings that can be used for different purposes. The device is equipped with advanced features, including a dual laser pointer that helps in targeting the surface accurately and an adjustable emissivity that allows for the measurement of different surfaces with accuracy.


The KASINTON’s JSD-SC90 is designed to withstand tough conditions, and it is built to last. It is made of rugged materials that can withstand accidental drops and bumps. The device is also equipped with a large, easy-to-read backlit LCD display, making it easy to read the temperature readings even in dimly lit areas.


Another great feature of the KASINTON’s JSD-SC90 is its ability to store data. It can store up to 20 temperature readings, allowing users to record the measurements without the need for manual notes. The device's user-friendly interface also makes it easy to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit, depending on your preference

Загварын параметрүүд

Температур хэмжих хүрээ
-25 ℃-900 ℃
-25 ℃-1200 ℃
-25 ℃-1500 ℃

Хэмжилтийн нарийвчлал
Уншлагын ±1% буюу ±1℃
Давтагдах чадвар
Уншлагын ±0.5% буюу ±1℃
Температурын нарийвчлал
1 ℃ эсвэл 1 ℉
Хариу цаг
200мм-ээс бага
0.10 алхамын хэмжээтэй 1.00-аас 0.01 хүртэл тохируулах боломжтой
Дэлгэцийн горим
Арын гэрэлтүүлэгтэй LCD дэлгэц
Температурыг хэмжих арга
Агшин зуур, Хамгийн их, Хамгийн бага, Дундаж, Ялгаа
Аудио болон визуал дохиолол, ℃/℉ унтраалга, батерейны цэнэгийн үзүүлэлт
KASINTON JSD-SC90 -25~900℃ Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Handheld Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD-SC90 -25~900℃ Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Handheld Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD-SC90 -25~900℃ Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Handheld Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD-SC90 -25~900℃ Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Handheld Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD-SC90 -25~900℃ Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Handheld Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD-SC90 -25~900℃ Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Handheld Infrared Temperature Sensor factory
А: Та үйлдвэрлэгч мөн үү
Х: Тийм ээ, бид 50 гаруй жилийн турш мэргэжлийн мэдрэгч үйлдвэрлэгч юм! Манай техникийн баг 20 гаруй инженертэй

А: Та OEM үйлчилгээг хүлээн авч чадах уу?
Хариулт: Тийм ээ, бид мэдрэгч дээрээ танай компанийн мэдээлэл, лого тавих боломжтой

А: Би танай борлуулагч болж чадах уу?
Х: Тийм ээ, бид гадаад зах зээлд борлуулагч хайж байна

А: Таны ажиллах хугацаа хэд вэ
Х: Ихэвчлэн 7-10 хоног. 100 ширхэгээс дээш тооны хувьд ажлын 3-5 өдөр шаардлагатай

Үнэгүй санал авах

Манай төлөөлөгч тантай удахгүй холбогдох болно.
компанийн нэр