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KASINTON JSD-2S260AR 900 ~ 2600 ℃ RS485 4-20mA Senser tat-temperatura infra-aħmar mingħajr kuntatt Sensor tat-temperatura infra-aħmar

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KASINTON JSD-2S260AR Non-Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor (900~2600℃, RS485, 4-20mA)
The KASINTON JSD-2S260AR is a high-precision non-contact infrared temperature sensor, designed to measure extreme temperatures ranging from 900℃ to 2600℃. With both RS485 and 4-20mA output options, this sensor can be easily integrated into industrial automation systems, providing precise and real-time temperature data for high-temperature applications. It is ideal for industries such as steel manufacturing, metalworking, and ceramics, where accurate temperature control is critical to optimizing production and ensuring safety.
The KASINTON JSD-2S260AR uses advanced infrared sensing technology to take accurate temperature measurements without direct contact with the hot material, reducing the risk of damage or contamination. Its robust design ensures reliable performance in extreme environments, and the combination of RS485 and 4-20mA outputs provides versatile communication for seamless data collection and system integration.
Karatteristiċi ewlenin:
Firxa tal-kejl tat-temperatura: 900℃ sa 2600℃
Non-contact infrared technology for accurate and fast temperature measurements
Dual output: RS485 and 4-20mA for flexible integration into control systems
Ideal for high-temperature applications in industries like steel manufacturing, metalworking, and ceramics
Ensures safety and precision by preventing contamination or wear from direct contact
Reliable performance in harsh environments with extreme temperatures
The KASINTON JSD-2S260AR is the perfect solution for applications requiring high-temperature measurement with excellent accuracy and durability.

Klassi ta 'protezzjoni
IP65 (NEMA-4)
Temperatura ambjentali
0-60 ° C
Temperatura tal-ħażna
-15 - 85 ° C
Umdità relattiva
10 -95%
istainless steel
Tul tal-kejbil
4.0m jew apposta
Firxa spettrali
Medda tat-temperatura
Riżoluzzjoni ottika
Ħin ta 'rispons
10 ms (95%)
Preċiżjoni tal-kejl tat-temperatura
± 1 %
KASINTON JSD-2S260AR 900~2600℃ RS485 4-20mA Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Infrared Temperature Sensor supplier
KASINTON JSD-2S260AR 900~2600℃ RS485 4-20mA Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD-2S260AR 900~2600℃ RS485 4-20mA Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Infrared Temperature Sensor factory
KASINTON JSD-2S260AR 900~2600℃ RS485 4-20mA Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Infrared Temperature Sensor factory
KASINTON JSD-2S260AR 900~2600℃ RS485 4-20mA Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Infrared Temperature Sensor factory
KASINTON JSD-2S260AR 900~2600℃ RS485 4-20mA Non Contact Infrared Temperature Sensor Infrared Temperature Sensor details
Q: Inti manifattur?
A: Iva, Aħna manifattur tas-sensuri professjonali aktar minn 50 sena! It-tim tekniku tagħna għandu aktar minn 20 inġinier.

Q: Tista 'taċċetta servizz OEM?
A: Iva, nistgħu npoġġu l-informazzjoni u l-logo tal-kumpanija tiegħek fuq is-sensuri tagħna.

Q: Nista 'nkun id-distributur tiegħek?
A: Iva, qed infittxu distributuri fis-suq barrani.

Q: X'inhu l-ħin taċ-ċomb tiegħek?
A: Normalment 7-10 ijiem. Għal kwantità ogħla minn 100 pcs, jeħtieġ 3-5 ijiem tax-xogħol żejda.

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