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KASINTON JSD-D30160A 300 ~ 1600 ℃ 4-20mA IP65 Senser tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt

  • Ħarsa ġenerali
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The KASINTON JSD-D30160A is a high-performance non-contact infrared temperature sensor designed for precise temperature monitoring in high-heat industrial environments. It offers a temperature range of 300℃ to 1600℃, making it suitable for applications that involve extreme temperatures. Additionally, the sensor comes with an IP65 rating, ensuring protection against dust and water, and provides a 4-20mA output, enabling seamless integration with industrial control and monitoring systems.
Karatteristiċi ewlenin:
Temperature Range: 300℃ to 1600℃, ideal for high-temperature industrial processes such as metal processing, glass manufacturing, power generation, and other applications that require precise heat monitoring in extreme conditions.
4-20mA Output: Provides an analog signal for easy connection with PLCs, SCADA systems, or other industrial control systems, allowing continuous temperature monitoring and integration into automation processes.
Infrared Measurement: Non-contact infrared technology allows for accurate and safe temperature measurement without the need for physical contact, making it ideal for measuring hot or hazardous surfaces.
IP65 Rating: The sensor is dust-tight and protected from water jets, making it suitable for use in harsh environments where exposure to dirt, moisture, or debris is common.
Rugged and Durable Design: Built to endure tough industrial conditions, ensuring reliability and long-term performance even in challenging environments.
Applications: Perfect for industries like metallurgy, cement production, glassmaking, power plants, and other high-temperature manufacturing environments.
The KASINTON JSD-D30160A offers a robust, reliable solution for non-contact infrared temperature measurement, making it a versatile and durable tool for industries that demand precise temperature control in extreme conditions.
Klassifikazzjoni Ambjentali
IP65 (NEMA-4)
Medda ta' Operazzjoni Ambjentali
0 - 60 ° C
Temperatura Ħażna
-20 - 85 ° C
Umdità relattiva
10 - 95% mingħajr kondensazzjoni
Stainless Steel
390 g - 450 g
4 - 20 mA; 4-20mA u RS485 (Modbus RTU)
KASINTON JSD-D30160A 300 ~ 1600 ℃ 4-20mA IP65 Fabbrika tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
KASINTON JSD-D30160A 300 ~ 1600 ℃ 4-20mA IP65 fornitur tas-sensor tat-temperatura infrared mingħajr kuntatt
KASINTON JSD-D30160A 300 ~ 1600 ℃ 4-20mA IP65 Manifattura tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
KASINTON JSD-D30160A 300 ~ 1600 ℃ 4-20mA IP65 fornitur tas-sensor tat-temperatura infrared mingħajr kuntatt
KASINTON JSD-D30160A 300 ~ 1600 ℃ 4-20mA IP65 Fabbrika tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
KASINTON JSD-D30160A 300 ~ 1600 ℃ 4-20mA IP65 fornitur tas-sensor tat-temperatura infrared mingħajr kuntatt
KASINTON JSD-D30160A 300 ~ 1600 ℃ 4-20mA IP65 Dettalji tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
Q: Inti manifattur?
A: Iva, Aħna manifattur tas-sensuri professjonali aktar minn 50 sena! It-tim tekniku tagħna għandu aktar minn 20 inġinier.

Q: Tista 'taċċetta servizz OEM?
A: Iva, nistgħu npoġġu l-informazzjoni u l-logo tal-kumpanija tiegħek fuq is-sensuri tagħna.

Q: Nista 'nkun id-distributur tiegħek?
A: Iva, qed infittxu distributuri fis-suq barrani.

Q: X'inhu l-ħin taċ-ċomb tiegħek?
A: Normalment 7-10 ijiem. Għal kwantità ogħla minn 100 pcs, jeħtieġ 3-5 ijiem tax-xogħol żejda.

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