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KASINTON JSD10KC 0-100 ℃ Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared Termokoppja tat-Tip K

  • Ħarsa ġenerali
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The KASINTON JSD10KC is a Type K thermocouple infrared temperature sensor designed for precise temperature measurement within the range of 0℃ to 100℃. This sensor combines the advantages of both thermocouple and infrared technologies, offering a versatile and reliable solution for applications that require accurate temperature monitoring.
Karatteristiċi ewlenin:
Temperature Range: 0℃ to 100℃, suitable for applications where lower temperature measurements are necessary, such as in laboratory settings, HVAC systems, food processing, or other industrial environments.
Type K Thermocouple: The Type K thermocouple is one of the most common and widely used temperature sensors, known for its reliability and versatility in a wide range of temperature monitoring applications.
Infrared Measurement: While primarily a thermocouple sensor, it can also incorporate infrared technology for non-contact temperature measurements, providing flexibility in measurement methods.
High Precision: Designed for accurate temperature readings, ensuring precise control and monitoring for sensitive processes.
Wide Application: Ideal for use in a variety of industries, such as manufacturing, food production, research, and any application requiring lower temperature measurement with high accuracy.
Durable and Compact Design: The sensor is built to withstand industrial environments, offering durability while maintaining compactness for easy installation and use.
The KASINTON JSD10KC provides an excellent combination of contact (thermocouple) and non-contact (infrared) temperature measurement, making it a reliable and adaptable sensor for industries requiring accurate temperature monitoring within the 0℃ to 100℃ range.

Livell ta 'protezzjoni
IP65 (NEMA-4)
Firxa spettrali
8 ~ 14 µm
Proporzjon tal-koeffiċjent tad-distanza
D: S = 20: 1
Temperatura ambjentali
0-60 ° C
Temperatura tal-ħażna
-20-80 ° C
Umdità relattiva
10 -95% (mingħajr kondensazzjoni ta 'umdità)
istainless steel
Ħin ta 'rispons
300ms (90%)
Preċiżjoni tal-kejl tat-temperatura
±2% tal-valur imkejjel (FS)
M18 × 1.0 Tul totali: 117mm
Tul tal-kejbil
2m (standard) jistgħu jiġu estiżi
iffissat għal 0.95
Riżoluzzjoni Output
1 ℃
KASINTON JSD10KC 0-100℃ Type K Thermocouple Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD10KC 0-100℃ Type K Thermocouple Infrared Temperature Sensor manufacture
KASINTON JSD10KC 0-100℃ Type K Thermocouple Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD10KC 0-100℃ Type K Thermocouple Infrared Temperature Sensor manufacture
KASINTON JSD10KC 0-100℃ Type K Thermocouple Infrared Temperature Sensor details
KASINTON JSD10KC 0-100℃ Type K Thermocouple Infrared Temperature Sensor details
Q: Inti manifattur?
A: Iva, Aħna manifattur tas-sensuri professjonali aktar minn 50 sena! It-tim tekniku tagħna għandu aktar minn 20 inġinier.

Q: Tista 'taċċetta servizz OEM?
A: Iva, nistgħu npoġġu l-informazzjoni u l-logo tal-kumpanija tiegħek fuq is-sensuri tagħna.

Q: Nista 'nkun id-distributur tiegħek?
A: Iva, qed infittxu distributuri fis-suq barrani.

Q: X'inhu l-ħin taċ-ċomb tiegħek?
A: Normalment 7-10 ijiem. Għal kwantità ogħla minn 100 pcs, jeħtieġ 3-5 ijiem tax-xogħol żejda.

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