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KASINTON JSDM412A 400-1200℃ 4-20ma Ip65 Senser tat-Temperatura Infra-aħmar mingħajr Kuntatt

  • Ħarsa ġenerali
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The KASINTON JSDM412A is a high-performance infrared temperature sensor designed for non-contact temperature measurement in a variety of industrial applications. It offers a temperature range of 400℃ to 1200℃ and features a 4-20mA output for seamless integration with control systems. Additionally, it has an IP65 rating, making it suitable for use in environments exposed to dust and water.
Karatteristiċi ewlenin:
Temperature Range: 400℃ to 1200℃, ideal for industrial environments where high temperatures need to be monitored accurately and efficiently.
4-20mA Output: Provides continuous, analog signal output, compatible with PLCs, data acquisition systems, and other industrial automation tools.
Non-Contact Infrared Measurement: Measures temperature without direct contact, which is crucial for safety and allows for monitoring of hot, hazardous, or difficult-to-reach surfaces.
IP65 Rating: The sensor is protected against dust and water jets, making it suitable for use in harsh and dirty environments, such as manufacturing plants, coal fields, and power generation facilities.
Rugged Design: Built for durability, the sensor can withstand challenging industrial conditions and maintain accurate performance.
Application: Perfect for use in industries such as metal processing, coal fields, cement, power generation, and any other high-temperature industrial processes.
The KASINTON JSDM412A offers a reliable and efficient solution for temperature monitoring in demanding environments, providing safety, accuracy, and durability for a wide range of industrial applications.

Klassi ta 'protezzjoni
IP65 (NEMA-4)
Temperatura ambjentali
0 ~ 60°C
Firxa spettrali
1.55 µm
Medda tat-temperatura
istainless steel
Riżoluzzjoni ottika
Ħin ta 'rispons
100 ms (95%)
Qawwa operattiva
24 VDC
kurrent massimu
Sinjal tal-ħruġ
KASINTON JSDM412A 400-1200℃ 4-20ma Ip65 Dettalji tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
KASINTON JSDM412A 400-1200℃ 4-20ma Ip65 Dettalji tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
KASINTON JSDM412A 400-1200℃ 4-20ma Ip65 Manifattura tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
KASINTON JSDM412A 400-1200℃ 4-20ma Ip65 Fabbrika tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
KASINTON JSDM412A 400-1200℃ 4-20ma Ip65 Fornitur tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
KASINTON JSDM412A 400-1200℃ 4-20ma Ip65 Dettalji tas-Sensor tat-Temperatura Infrared mingħajr Kuntatt
Q: Inti manifattur?
A: Iva, Aħna manifattur tas-sensuri professjonali aktar minn 50 sena! It-tim tekniku tagħna għandu aktar minn 20 inġinier.

Q: Tista 'taċċetta servizz OEM?
A: Iva, nistgħu npoġġu l-informazzjoni u l-logo tal-kumpanija tiegħek fuq is-sensuri tagħna.

Q: Nista 'nkun id-distributur tiegħek?
A: Iva, qed infittxu distributuri fis-suq barrani.

Q: X'inhu l-ħin taċ-ċomb tiegħek?
A: Normalment 7-10 ijiem. Għal kwantità ogħla minn 100 pcs, jeħtieġ 3-5 ijiem tax-xogħol żejda.

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