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JSDWZ50R4D Cip puternic de performanță anti-interferențe Funcționare stabilă de înaltă rezistență Transmițător de vibrații integrat

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JSDWZ50R4D Integrated Vibration Transmitter: High Strength, Stable Operation with Strong Anti-Interference Performance
The JSDWZ50R4D integrated vibration transmitter is engineered to deliver reliable and accurate vibration monitoring in industrial environments. With its strong anti-interference performance and high-strength design, this transmitter ensures stable operation even in challenging conditions, making it ideal for critical applications in various industries.
Caracteristici cheie:
Strong Anti-Interference: Exceptional resistance to electrical noise and signal interference, ensuring reliable data collection in harsh environments.
High Strength: Built to withstand extreme industrial conditions, providing long-term durability and consistent performance.
Stable Operation: Delivers continuous, accurate vibration data with minimal fluctuation, even in dynamic conditions.
Integrated Design: Combines the transmitter and sensor in a single, compact unit for simplified installation and operation.
Versatile Applications: Ideal for vibration monitoring in manufacturing, machinery, and other industrial processes requiring precise performance.
The JSDWZ50R4D is the perfect solution for industrial environments where stable and accurate vibration monitoring is essential, even in the presence of electrical interference.
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frecventa de raspuns
10 ~ 1600Hz
Interval de măsurare
0 ~ 16g
Iesire semnal
tensiune de lucru
Mai multe informații pot fi trimise la anchetă
JSDWZ50R4D Strong Anti-Interference Performance Chip High Strength Stable Operation Integrated Vibration Transmitter manufacture
JSDWZ50R4D Strong Anti-Interference Performance Chip High Strength Stable Operation Integrated Vibration Transmitter details
JSDWZ50R4D Strong Anti-Interference Performance Chip High Strength Stable Operation Integrated Vibration Transmitter manufacture
JSDWZ50R4D Strong Anti-Interference Performance Chip High Strength Stable Operation Integrated Vibration Transmitter details
Întrebări Frecvente
Î: Sunteți producător?
R: Da, suntem producători profesioniști de senzori de peste 50 de ani! Echipa noastră tehnică are peste 20 de ingineri.

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R: Da, putem pune informațiile companiei dvs. și logo-ul pe senzorii noștri.

Î: Pot fi distribuitorul dvs.?
R: Da, căutăm distribuitori pe piața de peste mări.

Î: Care este timpul tău?
R: În mod normal, 7-10 zile. Pentru o cantitate mai mare de 100 buc, este nevoie de 3-5 zile lucrătoare suplimentare.

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