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JSDLC30KE oson va ko'chma o'rnatilgan elektron qurilmalar zanglamaydigan po'latdan Modal sinov Impluse bolg'a kuchi o'zgartirgichi

  • haqida umumiy ma'lumot
  • Shu Mahsulotlar

JSDLC30KE Stainless Steel Modal Testing Impulse Hammer Force Transducer: Easy, Portable, and Reliable
The JSDLC30KE is a high-quality impulse hammer force transducer designed for modal testing and vibration analysis. Its easy-to-use, portable design, combined with durable stainless steel construction, makes it an ideal choice for industrial applications, research, and quality control in structural testing.
Key Xususiyatlar:
Portable and Easy-to-Use: Designed for convenient handling, making it ideal for field testing and on-site applications.
Stainless Steel Construction: Built for durability and long-lasting performance, even in harsh environments.
High Precision: Delivers accurate force measurement for modal analysis and vibration testing.
Built-In Electronic Devices: Integrated electronics ensure efficient data processing and reliability.
Versatile Applications: Perfect for modal testing, vibration analysis, structural health monitoring, and more.
Compact Design: Easy to carry and handle, ideal for both laboratory and field use.
The JSDLC30KE provides reliable force measurement with a focus on portability and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for dynamic testing applications.
Contact us now for more details or to request a quote!

Maksimal impuls
0 ~ 30KN
Qo'shimcha bufer chastotali javob
Tafsilotlar uchun grafikaga qarang
Bolg'a boshi diametri (mm)
Bolg'a tutqichi uzunligi (mm)
Bolg'a boshining massasi (g)
Qo'shimcha bolg'a boshining massasi (g)
Qaytarilishi mumkinligi
JSDLC30KE Easy And Portable Built In Electronic Devices Stainless Steel Modal Testing Impluse Hammer Force Transducer details
JSDLC30KE Easy And Portable Built In Electronic Devices Stainless Steel Modal Testing Impluse Hammer Force Transducer manufacture
JSDLC30KE Easy And Portable Built In Electronic Devices Stainless Steel Modal Testing Impluse Hammer Force Transducer supplier
JSDLC30KE Easy And Portable Built In Electronic Devices Stainless Steel Modal Testing Impluse Hammer Force Transducer details
JSDLC30KE Easy And Portable Built In Electronic Devices Stainless Steel Modal Testing Impluse Hammer Force Transducer manufacture
Savol: Siz ishlab chiqaruvchisiz?
Javob: Ha, biz 50 yildan ortiq professional sensor ishlab chiqaruvchimiz! Bizning texnik guruhimizda 20 dan ortiq muhandislar mavjud.

Savol: OEM xizmatini qabul qila olasizmi?
Javob: Ha, biz sizning kompaniyangiz ma'lumotlarini va logotipini sensorlarimizga qo'yishimiz mumkin.

Savol: Men sizning distribyutoringiz bo'la olamanmi?
Javob: Ha, biz chet el bozorida distribyutorlarni qidirmoqdamiz.

Savol: Sizning etakchi vaqtingiz nima?
Javob: Odatda 7-10 kun. 100 donadan ortiq miqdor uchun qo'shimcha 3-5 ish kuni kerak.

Bepul taklif qiling

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